Filter core, function, and replacement time
The filter removes impurities such as stones, sediment, sludge,
iron rust, and suspended particles.
3 months
Remove heavy metals and organic substances,
improving the taste and odor of the water.
3-6 months
Eliminate strange tastes and water treatment chemicals.
3-6 months
Regulate water quality to maintain purity
6-12 months
Add minerals to the water naturally after passing through the RO membrane.
12 months
Regulate the water composition to keep it pure.
12 months
Eradicate harmful bacteria from the environment.
6-12 months
Increase the pH level in the water.
12 months
- Remove any excess water treatment chemicals.
- Eliminate bacteria, heavy metals, harmful impurities, and dissolved substances in the water.
12-24 months
Destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses in water without any adverse effects.
Phillips UV lamp.